Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This I Believe

“Samantha the police are out here looking for two girls that messed up the Yacht Club’s bathroom don’t come out,” my dad told me over the phone.
            My friend Anna and I met the summer when we were eight years old down at the beach. Our families were staying at the Hanover Seaside Club. While my family went to the lobby to check in I went to the TV room where a girl with long, wavy, blond hair was watching TV.
            “Hi I’m from Russia,” I said wanting to get her attention.
            “Me too,” she replied with her eyes now focused on me.
            We talk for five minutes yet it felt like one. We learned enough about each other that we could have been friends for years. Then we had to go to our rooms. We hung out that whole week, and we have been best friends ever since. Anna is funny. Anna is unique. Anna is Christian. Our families go to Myrtle Beach every January, and we have so many good memories. One hot summer Anna and I were at Wings. Looking around upstairs, Anna and I were really bored.
“Anna I have to go to the bathroom,” I say.
“We can go back now,” she replies.
Starting to walk back to the Seaside Club, I say, “I really need to go.”
“How about we go to a house and ask them if we can use their bathroom?”
“Absolutely not!”
“Why not my friend and her mom did it once.”
“Because we are two thirteen year old girls and I would rather go in my pants.”
Approaching a church, Anna suggests we try to find a bathroom since it was a church and it should be safe. I agree. So we walk up to the church and try to find an open door. We couldn’t. Then we walked a few stairs to a door. Right as Anna started to open the door I say, “I’m about to poop in my pants.” Then everyone in the sanctuary turns around and looks at us. We run. Once we stop I tell Anna we need to go back and find a bathroom. So we do. We went into the sanctuary. This time quietly. We asked a man, standing in the back, where the bathroom was. After I used the bathroom we continued our walk to the Seaside Club. As we past the Yacht Club Anna said, “I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Ok we can go to the bathroom here, I know where it is and they won’t care if we use the bathroom.”
So we went to the bathroom again. Once we got to the Seaside Club we told our families what happened. Then Anna and I went to her families’ room. Then I got a call from my dad, “Samantha the police are out here looking for two girls that messed up the Yacht Club’s bathroom don’t come out.” I told Anna about the police. She was freaking out! “But we didn’t do anything but use the bathroom. We didn’t mess it up.”
“I know.”
We were really nervous and confused. So me, being curious, looked out the window and saw our parents at the sound, but I didn’t see any police. So Anna called her dad. She knew he was lying when she asked him about the police. We ran outside to our dads and told them we were so scared. They just laughed at us. But now we laugh about the whole thing too.
I believe in friendship because Anna has been there for me through everything. We cry together and laugh together. We always support each other.

This I Believe
I believe in Love.
I believe in being loved, no matter what I have done.
I believe in God loving me even when I haven’t thought about him or asked him to help me with school.
I believe in Christmas and that Jesus came on this earth just to died for MY sins.
I believe that if I had been the only person on earth that Jesus would have still died for me and my sins.
I believe in doctors, that they know what they are doing.
I believe in the American Heart Association and that they are saving lives like my dad’s.
I believe in hope that my grandmother will get her strength back.
I believe in the fruits of the spirits and that’s how I am suppose to live.
I believe in God and God believes in me.

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